Seeking, Recognizing, and Responding To What God Is Doing In Our Homes, Neighborhoods, Schools, And Workplaces

Jesus Christ is on a mission. He has been sent by His Father on a grand adventure to redeem and restore human lives to His kingdom. Ever since Jesus broke out of the tomb on Easter Sunday, He has been on the loose. In fact, He is already on the loose in our neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools. He is already doing the heavy lifting of working in the lives of every human being we see. . . . And He invites us to join Him!
Jesus does not give us a mission to do FOR Him. He invites us to come WITH Him. We are not Jesus-salespeople. Instead, we are Jesus-followers living in one of the largest mission fields on the planet: the United States. In order to join Jesus on His mission, we enjoy people and then seek, recognize, and respond to what Jesus is already doing in the lives of the people we are enjoying.
As everyday missionaries, we have 5 simple mission practices we put into play as part of everyday life. The practices position us to be used by God for His kingdom purposes. . . .
(1) Seeking the Kingdom
(2) Hearing from Jesus
(3) Talking with People
(4) Doing Good
(5) Ministering through Prayer