What to Expect


How should I dress? We welcome you to dress comfortably and be yourself! Most people at Barefoot dress somewhat casual while others dress up.

Where do weekly Sunday gatherings take place? We worship at the Town of Niagara Community Center (7000 Lockport Road, Niagara Falls, NY 14305).  The community center is located inside of Veterans Memorial Community Park near the local baseball diamonds.

What do I do when I get there? When you walk into the front foyer, you will be welcomed by our greeters.  They will be in our worship space to answer any questions you may have and show you where you may find seating and the refreshments.

What happens during the gathering? The worship guide (a program) that you receive will give you an idea of what to expect during our time together.

We want you to enjoy your time with us so we encourage you to participate as much or as little as you like. You can meet lots of new people seated around you or choose to remain anonymous at first if you prefer. We’ll give you some simple instructions throughout the service to let you know when to sit or stand. During our time together we will sing, pray, read Scripture, hear stories of how God has transformed people’s lives, and have a Sunday conversation that is both Biblical and practical. The gathering usually lasts 75 minutes. We would love for you to mingle with others after the gathering. Refreshments are available each week, and our people love to spend time meeting newcomers and catching up with friends.

Can I bring my child? We welcome children of all ages to Barefoot Christian Community. We encourage their participation in the worship gathering.  Within our worship time, we have a message specifically designed for youth (young disciples of Jesus).

If I drive, where can I park? There is a parking lot located at the front of our facility that includes handicapped parking.