Gospel Partners

2:47 Network

We are a network partner of the 2:47 Network.  Based on Acts 2:47, it exists to grow as a dynamic network of Christ-centered communities by supporting the planting of churches.

Church of Western New York (WNY)

We are a network partner of the association of congregations known as the Church of Western New York.  As a multi-denominational mission network, the Church of WNY is committed to the vision of saturating our geographic region with the proclamation and presence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Cornerstone Ministries

We are a mission partner of Cornerstone Ministries.  Located in Kenya, Cornerstone Ministries is involved with the training of pastors, the oversight of orphanages, and the administration of schools in the name of Jesus Christ.

Dwelling 1:14

We are a mission partner of Dwelling 1:14. The name Dwelling 1:14 references John 1:14 and the incarnational, missional nature both of Jesus and of those who would follow Him into the world.  Dwelling 1:14 comes alongside pastors and leaders to help them intentionally disciple their people to join Jesus on His mission in the places they already live, work and go to school.

SON (Formerly-Eastern European Missions Network (EEMN)

We are a mission partner of the Eastern European Missions Network.  EEMN is a conservative, evangelical, pan-Lutheran – but first and foremost – Christian mission organization that connects international mission partners with indigenous Christians living in former communist and Soviet bloc nations.

Institute of Lutheran Theology (ILT)

We are an educational mission partner of the Institute of Lutheran Theology.  ILT is a Christian faith community, seminary and graduate school that rigorously equips faithful pastors, teachers and lay people to effectively proclaim the gospel and serve Christ’s church throughout the world.


Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC)

We are a network partner of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ.  LCMC is a network of congregations and individuals who are free in Christ, accountable to one another, rooted in the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions, and working together to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations.

Magdalene Project

We are a mission partner of the Magdalene Project.  The Magdalene Project is a mission located in Niagara Falls, NY, helping men, women, and children women on the streets.  Its mission is to share the love of Jesus, lead lost souls to Christ, and introduce them to a local church where they will be loved, accepted, and discipled by the body of Christ.

Niagara Gospel Rescue Mission (NGRM)

We are a mission partner of the Niagara Gospel Rescue Mission.  The NGRM is a faith based, Christian, non-profit corporation whose vision is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in both word and deed to the least and lost in Niagara Falls, NY, and facilitate the same opportunity for the greater Body of Christ in WNY.

Partner Congregations

We are grateful for the prayers, financial support, and encouragement from our sister congregations, especially: Lifesong Christian Communities (Newbury Park, CA), St. James Lutheran Church (Niagara Falls, NY), St. Nicodemus Lutheran Church (East Aurora, NY), & St. Paul Lutheran Church (West Falls, NY)

Sola Publishing

We are a mission supporter of Sola Publishing. Sola Publishing is a non-profit educational ministry directly serving individuals and congregations looking for teaching resources that are grounded in the authority of Scripture, with a distinctively confessional Lutheran focus, centering in the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church

We are a church plant of St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sanborn, NY.  We are grateful for their generosity and gospel partnership in making disciples, blessing our community, and growing the Kingdom of God.

The Master’s Institute (MI)

We are an educational mission partner with The Master’s Institute. MI equips the heart, head, and hands of servant leaders to continue the ministry of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit through spiritual & character formation, Biblical teaching and leadership training.